Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Henkei Exclusives!

I got these Japan convention/store exclusives from the boards. The Henkei Wildrider is a really nice re-paint of the Hot Rod mold, and is probably better than the Botcon Evil Hot Rod mold.

The Henkei Seekers, Thundercracker and Skywarp, were purchased for $125 shipped! Great deal since most online stores are selling them for $130-$140 PLUS shipping. One thing of note is that Thundercracker is one of the most wanted classics figs, because he previously came out in the 2007 Botcon set, and that was the only way to get him. The price on him ranges from $125-$200, so its good for some collectors to get him for under $75, however i heard there are some quality issues with the Henkei version, so I'm just going to keep him MISB.

(Henkei Wildrider, Thundercracker, and Skywarp are Transformers #'s 72-74)

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